Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Do I qualify for cheap healthcare in Howard County?

Healthy Howard, a new plan initiated by the Howard County Health Officer Peter Beilenson, M.D., M.P.H. is the hot topic in the Howard County news. Healthy Howard is a public health care plan for people that do not currently have health insurance. The Healthy Howard initiative, sponsored by the Howard County Department of Health, includes goals encouraging individuals, schools, businesses, and restaurants, to take actions that will improve their overall health. The plan consists of Healthy Homes, Healthy Recreation, Healthy Schools, Healthy Restaurants, and Healthy Workplaces. The biggest topic on the Healthy Howard Initiative right now is the community-based health care plan.

What does the plan cover?
Starting at $50.00 a month, individuals that do not quality for coverage under a health care provider (such as Blue Cross Blue Shield or Aetna), are given access to health care services through the County. These services include ER visits, doctors visits, medications, and personal health care coaching.

Who is eligible for coverage?
  • Legal citizens of the U.S., State of MD
  • Uninsured individuals residing in Howard County
  • Individuals with a household income averaging $35,000 to $63,000 a year (or less)
  • Individuals not covered due to loss of work by spouse or termination of parents health care coverage
Why isn't the plan working?
One of the largest problems with the Healthy Howard program lies in media coverage and exposure. Healthy Howard has been advertised on national radio and television, door-to-door, via email, letter, phone, and online. Yet out of 10,000 people available for coverage, as of October 1st, 2009 less than 500 people were signed up. Surveys show the low income audience that is targeted by the initiative does not have access to cable television. Therefore people do not know about the program.

What can you do?
  • Advertise verbally
  • Contact local Department of Health and volunteer
  • Post a link to this blog or http://www.co.ho.md.us/Health

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